Bear Butte Gardens

Facebook Pages for Bear Butte Gardens

We use Facebook to post news updates to our followers. Here, you will find the latest news about us. You can also message us on Facebook!

We have two Facebook pages!  Yeah, crazy, right? 

  1. The Farm Stand at Bear Butte Gardens Facebook page focuses on what products are available in the farm stand and information about events at Bear Butte Gardens.  Examples of events might include Farm-to-Table dinners, gardening workshops/classes, festivals, etc.

  2. Our Bear Butte Gardens page focuses more on our organic farm, sharing information about new baby animals being born, what is being grown in the gardens, the status of various farm projects, or maybe just a nice photo of Bear Butte.

We realize that many folks do not have a Facebook account and/or do not use Facebook. If you do not use Facebook, you can still view our Facebook information in the two Facebook Portals below.